Sage Life Chapter Memo #3
I have now officially been at my new job in a new sector that is in a new community for 6 months. In that six months I’ve helped raise right around $1,000,000 for the organization.
Did I just write that?
Yup. I did.

Kristen is on The Wonder Dome Podcast
In early December, 2024, Kristen was on The Wonder Dome Podcast.
In this episode, Kristen shares about her journey from theatre artist to activist, honoring our past while crafting our future with intention, and the power of art to inspire, build empathy, and catalyze personal and social transformation.

Sage Life Chapter Memo #2
I wrote Sage Life Chapter Memo #1 in mid July. Three months have gone by and I’ve officially completed my first 90 days.
It’s quite amazing to reflect back on it all.

Sage Life Chapter Memo #1
I had, yet again, a hard time thinking about the future of this country today...... So I figured I’d share some positive personal growth- my first Sage Life Chapter Memo.

Interlude of Pleasure and Restoration #7
I officially have two weeks left of my self imposed Interlude before I begin my next role as Executive Director at Project SAGE, formerly Women's Support Services.
Yesterday and today I went to check out what the big annual Project SAGE Fundraiser is- called Trade Secrets.

Interlude of Pleasure and Restoration #6
Heading into week 16 and I share today that I officially have 5.5 weeks left…..because I begin a new job on June 1!

Interlude of Pleasure and Restoration #5
I'm heading into week 12 of this self imposed Interlude and officially have about 8-10 weeks left, depending on what life brings.....and I gotta tell you, while I continue to be having a lot of fun and feel immense gratitude for this time and spaciousness, these last few weeks have been the hardest yet on my mental health…affirmations and insights welcome….
Interlude of Pleasure and Restoration #4
Heading into week 7 of this self imposed Interlude...some continued reflections and thoughts:

Interlude of Pleasure and Restoration #3
Nearing the end of Week Three of my self imposed Interlude....Here are some sharings/reflections so far....

Interlude of Pleasure and Restoration #1
Interlude of Pleasure and Restoration has officially begun!